QCCS commands a significant earthwork and drainage works capacity; with an extensive fleet of over 45 pieces of plant. Including excavators, rollers, a hydrovac, a large variety of attachments and more. We are always looking for opportunities to develop our fleet and services. We have regular maintenance crews for drainage and culvert repair and cleaning and have conducted road maintenance activities on both port and mine sites.
For large-scale earthworks projects, we have been successful in working with larger earthworks organisations and utilising our project management skills to ensure overall compliance and completeness. We have experience in clearing and grubbing ensuring the correct environmental standards are adhered to, efficient removal of unsuitable materials and building suitable base pads.
We are main roads accredited requirements and will ensure specific site and client specifications are followed in all areas.
- Earthworks & Drainage: Saraji Mine Substation Replacement
- Client: Chess Electrics
- Value: $8.3M
- Earthworks & Drainage: Yarwun Gladstone Stormwater Upgrade
- Client: Rio Tinto
- Value: $1.2M
- Earthworks & Drainage: Yarwun Gladstone Hydrate Stockpile Upgrade
- Client: Rio Tinto
- Value: $1.2M
- Earthworks & Drainage: West Coal Stilling Pond
- Client: Queensland Alumina Limited
- Value: $1.72M
- Earthworks & Drainage: Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal
- Client: DBCT
- Value: $1.0M
- Earthworks & Drainage: Black Mountain
- Client: Aurizon
- Value: $3.6M
- Earthworks & Drainage: Young Street
- Client: Aurizon
- Value: $700K
- Drainage: APLNG Drain Works, Curtis Island QLD
- Client: Walz Construction/Bechtel
- Value: $3.0M